Reading Group
Reading group Mathematical statistics
Current Book:
We will read: To Be Decided
Previous books
Weak convergence and empirical processes
by Aad van der Vaart and Jon Wellner
notes based on Aads lecture series
Asymptotic Statistics
by Aad van der Vaart
Books we might read in the future:
Mathematical Foundations of infinite-dimensional Statistical Models
by Evarist Gine and Richard Nickl
Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian inference
by Subhashis Ghosal and Aad van der Vaart
High-dimensional statistics
by Wainwright
Other books we might read:
All of nonparametric statistics
by Larry Wasserman
Asymptotics in Statistics: Some basic concepts
by Lucien Le Cam and Grace Lo Yang
Asymptotic Methods in statistical Decision Theory
by Le Cam.
If you have other books you want to suggest, feel free to send me an e-mail.