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I am a Postdoc under Judith Rousseau at Oxford. Before this, I was working as a PhD Student supervised by Aad van der Vaart and Botond Szabo. I work in Bayesian nonparametric statistics, specifically in uncertainty quantification. However my interest is much broader than that, and I might take some side projects. Before my PhD, I did my bachelors and masters studies at Utrecht University and wrote my master thesis under the supervision of Aad van der Vaart.

My current ongoing projects:

  1. Studying consistency, contraction rates and uncertainty quantification with a general class of proper species sampling priors, dubbed stick-breaking process priors, which have independent and identically distributed relative stick-breaking weights.
  2. Semiparametric Bernstein von-Mises theorem for mixture models.
  3. Bernstein-von Mises and contraction rates for missing variables.

Research interests:

  • Uncertainty quantification
  • Deep learning
  • Nonparametric regression
  • Nonparametric causal inference
  • Online learning